The demonstration trials will be executed in 3 demo areas, in the aim to address:

Demo area A: Smart Grid Innovations to increase cross-border capacity, by involving TSOs’ grid infrastructures, and deployed in specially designed regional use-cases (scenarios) to improve the grid flexibility and enhance significantly the cross-border flows.

Demo area B: Regional System Operations platforms development, to allow improved system operation forecasting on the TSO level, which will contribute to the transmission grid security and quality of supply. Pilots will run in the SEE and SCC countries ensuring the best possible flow of information among the TSO participants and the achievement of optimal system operation at the minimum cost through the maximum possible usage of the existing infrastructure.

Demo area C: Capacity allocation for regional cross-border trading, by optimizing the usage of the available transfer capacities for reserve procurement and for energy trading, building on top of the current ATCbased simple transfer capacity auction algorithms, thus assuring the system security and the more effective and valuable allocation of the grid capacity.