Entries by farcrossad


Interview for EUROPAN demo

Here we are discussing the WP7 of the FARCROSS project, in which, I have to say, we had some of the best collaborations that I have experienced in such a project for a very long time. We had partners from various European countries that gave their contribution in reaching the set targets. Among those, we had Tech Inspire, UBITECH, UBITECH ENERGY, ESO EAD, IPTO, Transelectrica, OST, IBEX, IEIT, Software Company Ltd., Cintech Solutions, European Dynamics, Weather2Umbrella and University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest. I honestly hope I didn’t forget anybody.

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FARCROSS podcast at Enlit EU Projects Zone

In this episode of the EU Projects Zone podcast, FARCROSS and its sister project TRINITY discuss the similarities and differences between the two projects as well as ways that they can collaborate to promote cross-border collaboration on a major scale. You can listen to the podcast here